Personal Coaching Week 4 - BONUS SESSION How to Get Control of Your Inbox and Reduce Your email.
Welcome to this week's Personal Video Coaching Program to Cut 6.5hrs Off Your Work Week.
In last week's session we helped you to say no in a polite professional way so you can stop taking on extra tasks and projects.
In today's BONUS coaching session you will learn how to Get Control of Your Inbox. You will see how email has become like an addiction and how company culture can actually lead to more email.
During today's session you will learn strategies to reduce email and to make email your slave rather than you being a slave to email.
You will hear 2 stories and also get the latest on how Jack cut out over 100 emails per day.
Click here to open your coaching session worksheet. (right click to download)
*** Here is your audio for your Personal Coaching for this Week ***
Right click the links below to download the audio files (please note these are large files).
Session 1, audio only.
Session 2, audio only.
Session 3, audio only.
Session 4, audio only.
Session 5, audio only.
Enjoy Your Time this Week :-)
Michael Erwin
86 Nelson Rd Box Hill Nth, Vic, Melbourne, Australia 3129