Cut 6.5 Hrs Off Your Work Week
Personal Video Coaching.

Personal Coaching Week 10 - How to beat Procrastination.

Welcome to this week's Personal Video Coaching Program to Cut 6.5hrs Off Your Work Week.

In last week's session we reviewed your progress in the program so far. You looked at where you are in relation to main goal and you also looked at what is in the gap to get you to the goal.

In today's coaching session you will learn how to blast away procrastination. I will reveal the 3 keys to overcoming procrastination.

Click here to open your coaching session worksheet. (right click to download)

*** Here is your Personal Video Coaching for this Week ***

Enjoy Your Time this Week :-)

Michael Erwin on 21st Century Time Management

Michael Erwin

86 Nelson Rd Box Hill Nth, Vic, Melbourne, Australia 3129