Time Management Resources

Time Management Strategies

that work in the 21st century

Time Management Strategies -

Time Management strategies are a key part of getting control of your time. Most people need some sort of a system to save time and make time -- because it is pretty much impossible to keep it all in your head. In today's world, with all the time 21st century time pressures you need to follow a set of strategies that will help you overcome modern day time challenges.
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There is never enough time. This is the biggest difference that 21st century time management systems must address. Older time management systems imply that you can catch-up or get things under control. Forget it. You can't. Most of my clients tell me they could work 24x7 and still not get all tasks done.

21st century time management is about managing yourself to cope with NOT getting things done and to spend time on the really important things in your life.

Time Management Strategies include:

  1. Create a Personalized time management system,
  2. Goal setting and time management,
  3. Prioritize Using the 80-20 Rule.
  4. Learning time management skills
  5. Saying No
  6. without saying No!
  7. Plan Organized Living.

Create a Personalized Time Management System

To have an effective time management strategy you need to personalize your time management approach. What works for one person doesn't necessarily work for an other. I believe you can start with similar time management strategies but you must create a personalized time management system that uses your strengths and supports you weaknesses.

Here are some tips to help you to create your personalized system.

  • Know your values and your goals
  • Have a broad flexible life-plan
  • Use a structure to plan your week
  • Know your time management weaknesses and find ways to overcome or go around them
  • Accept you are responsible for how you spend your time (make sure you spend it wisely)
Create a Personalized time management system

Goal Setting and Time Management

Goal Setting is an important strategy to improve your time management. Successful CEO Gary Crittenden agrees that setting goals is critical to being effective. Having goals helps you get really clear about the outcomes you want. Once you know your outcomes you can then decide what actions and behaviors will get you there. You can prioritize based on your goals. You can plan based on your goals. Without goals or objectives or KPIs you are like a ship with no rudder and no destination -- at the mercy of the weather and every changing tide. It is impossible to use your time well with no destination and no rudder!

Goal setting and time management

Prioritize using the 80-20 Rule

To have Effective Time Management today you must be able to prioritize. The 80-20 Rule is a well known principle that is simple, but it works. The 80-20 rule says that 20% of your tasks will get 80% of your result. SO you need to be able to see and focus on the important 20%. There are lots of things that will distract you. Use the 80-20 rule to get yourself back on track.

Learning Time Management Skills

Learning time management skills is critical to using your time more effectively. Most people know what skills they need to be more effective, yet most people do not develop these skills. I believe there are some core time management skills that form a foundation for being highly effective. Using your time effectively is like personal hygiene. It is something you must do daily -- you cannot do it once and say I am now clean and I will smell great for the rest of my life. Learning Time Management skills and regularly updating or refreshing these skills is as important as having a shower everyday.

Saying NO without saying No!

Saying NO is a struggle for many people, yet is it such an important time management strategy. The number one reason most people have too much to do is because you can't say no. You can't say no to other people (especially your boss, your partner and your kids). And maybe you can't say no to yourself. The key to this time management strategy is to say no without using the word no. Try phrases such as "I'd be happy to once I have finished my major project." "I'd like to help. I just need to check with my boss." "I'd be happy to do that boss, I'll just need you to help me decide which task is now a lower priority."

How to Say No without saying No!

Plan for Organized Living

If you fail to plan you are planning to fail. You can have all these great time management strategies, but if you don't plan they are unlikely to be used effectively or consistently. Would you be happy to travel on airline that did not plan their flights? NO. Would you be happy for someone in your family to have an operation in a hospital that has no systems or with a surgeon that has no plan? Of course not. So if these important situations require a plan, then your life -- which is also Very Important -- needs a plan too.

Organized Living.

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Time Management Techniques.
GTD - Getting things Done time management program.
Time Management in the Workplace.

Time Management Resources
Time management tools, tips and resources to help you save time and reduce stress

Time Management Videos -- Watch these great videos online.

Time Management Quiz -- Take the quiz and find out how well you use your time.

Time Management ppt -- Great PowerPoint presentations on Time Management.

More great Time Management Information
Lots more time management tips and tools to help you save time

The Importance of Time Management is more significant now than ever before. See how life happiness is interconnected to effective use of your time.

Time Management Quotes -- Time Management quotes that inspire. Famous people on time. Quotes about time that make you laugh.

Time Management Articles -- A comprehensive library of time management articles with information that really saves you time.

Time Management Books -- Save time by reading reviews of these top selling books.

Time Management Strategies

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